Pregnancy Herbs



Time Enterprise’s “Confinement Wellness Meal” is designed and prepared with Dr Lim’s many years of clinical experience and expertise with 5 different variations. The main purpose is to help mummies in confinement with improving urination, improve blood circulation, lessen bruises, recuperate the organs, and lessen swelling.

Through her many years of clinical experience and expertise on fertility issues, Dr Lim devised these prescriptions. They are more targeted towards confinement and recovery compared to similar products on the market, achieving quicker and effective results for overall health recovery. These include improving blood circulation, restoring the functions of the various organs, improving symptoms such as stomach pain, constipation, soreness in the back and waist, loss of hair etc, and also help reduce the chances of postpartum depression. At the same time, it will help improve the overall health and wellbeing of the mummy, helping the body recover and restore it quickly for future pregnancies.

Time Enterprise’s “Confinement Wellness Meal” is your best choice!